Over 520,000 trees and shrubs planted since 2010.

And counting.

TD Tree Days is the flagship volunteer and urban greening program of the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation. Learn more about the program below.

Helping grow healthier communities, together.

As the flagship volunteer and urban greening program of the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (TD FEF), TD Tree Days aims to provide the public, TD colleagues, their friends and families, and community members, the opportunity to volunteer to help build healthier communities by planting trees and shrubs in urban and rural greenspaces.

Program purpose

TD Tree Days is supported by TD through the TD Ready Commitment and helps contribute to the TD goal of elevating the quality of the environment to help people and economies thrive. To learn more about how TD is committed to supporting the environment, please visit the TD Ready Commitment website and the Vibrant Planet driver page.

Impact of 
TD Tree Days

Since this program was launched in 2010, volunteers have planted over 520,000 native trees and shrubs across Canada and within the U.S. communities where we operate. Our thanks to the many TD employees and community volunteers who’ve helped make it happen through their hard work and dedication.

  • What makes forests and trees so important?

    As outlined by TD Bank Group and the Nature Conservancy of Canada in the report cited below1, healthy forests and urban canopies play important roles in maintaining a healthy planet. In addition to their important economic, cultural and recreational value, their ecological value is vital. Here are just a few of the many benefits of trees and greenspaces, in the words of the named environmental organizations. 

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  • Storing carbon

    According to the WWF, “forests provide a carbon sink that absorb up to 2.4 billion metric tons of carbon each year”, making them the second-largest storehouse of carbon after oceans.2 This helps reduce the effects of climate change, as noted by the Arbor Day Foundation.3

  • Protecting our communities

    The WWF states that “forests help prevent erosion and enrich and conserve soil, helping to protect communities from landslides and floods.” 4

  • Helping clean 
our air

    The National Parks Service reminds us that trees remove pollutants from the air, both by absorbing gas molecules and “catching” particulate matter. This in turn can help improve human health.5

  • Helping clean
our water

    According to the Arbor Day Foundation and WWF, many urban areas draw their drinking water from forested watersheds which filter out pollutants and chemicals. 6, 7

  • Providing cooling effects and reducing energy use

    The National Park Service notes that "trees affect energy consumption by shading buildings, providing evaporative cooling, and blocking winter winds."8

  • Providing habitat for a variety of species

    According to the National Park service, “trees provide habitat for a host of animals and other plants”, as well as offer food sources and protection from predators.9

  • Important for our physical and mental health

    Spending time in forests has been “shown to have a positive benefit on health conditions including cardiovascular disease, respiratory concerns, diabetes and mental health,” according to WWF.10

  • Improving our surroundings

    According to the Arbor Day Foundation, urban trees have been shown to increase property values, help reduce crime, and yield financial benefits for the community.11

The TD Ready Commitment

TD launched the TD Ready Commitment in 2018 to help open doors for a more sustainable and inclusive tomorrow.

As part of that commitment, TD has targeted a total of CDN $1 billion by 2030 to help build a more equitable and inclusive future. To maximize our impact, we’ve aligned the work we’re doing with the UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.

TD Friends of the Environment Foundation

Founded in 1990, TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (TD FEF) is a national charity that funds environmental projects across Canada. TD FEF has a primary focus on funding environmental projects that revitalize, animate and steward public green spaces across Canada.